How to target the right members of your alumni community for particular fundraising projects

How to target the right members of your alumni community for particular fundraising projects

When targeting members of your alumni community for specific fundraising projects or campaigns, it’s important to consider their interests, engagement level, and potential affinity towards the cause in question.

With 100% (yes that’s 100%!) of alumni believing that any communication from their former school or university is merely an appeal for money, it is CRUCIAL you target the right members of your alumni community

This will not only ensure you get the best results for your campaign, but will prevent you from switching off future donors by talking to them about something which is of little or no interest.  

Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you effectively target the best individuals:


Understand the project

Clearly define the fundraising campaign, its goals, and the intended results. This will help you identify the specific characteristics and preference of the alumni you should target

Segment your alumni community

segment your alumni community in order to tailor your messagin and approach to each group

Separate your alumni community into segments based on factors such as graduation year, degree, subjects studied, location, past engagement, profession, sports participation, club or society membership etc.

The more data you have, the more successful this approach can be. This segmentation allows you to tailor your messaging and approach to each group.

Utilise your database and analytics

Utilise your alumni database and analytics to gather relevant data

Leverage your alumni database and the analytic tools you have to gather relevant data on each segment.

Look for information such as donation history, engagement with content (for example, commenting, sharing, and viewing of content), event attendance, volunteer involvement and any other specific interests or affiliations they may have.

Prioritise potential donors

cricket pavillion

Identify alumni who have shown previous interest in similar causes, or those that have a higher likelihood of engagement.

For example, a past bursary student may be more inclined to donate to a bursary scholarship to give another student the same opportunity that they had, or those that attended a past cricket tour may be more likely to donate funds towards the current cricket tour or the erection of a new cricket pavilion.

Focus on individuals who have a track record of donations or who have demonstrated enthusiasm for supporting initiatives within the alumni community.

Personalise your messaging

Develop targeted communication strategies for each segment based on their interests and past interactions. Personalise your messages to highlight the specific relevance of the fundraising campaign to their lives and experience.

Use storytelling techniques to make an emotional connection with the potential donors, for example, include photos from their time with you, or mentions or articles including them, from past experiences with you.

Use multiple communication channels

Reach out to your alumni through various channels, including email, regular mail, social media platforms, your community alumni websites and newsletters.

Ensure your messaging is consistent across these channels but adapt it to suit the unique audience, features, and requirements of each platform.

Engage alumni ambassadors

Alumni mapping - perfect fro prospect research

Identify your alumni champions/influential alumni who are passionate about your cause and have strong networks.

Use alumni mapping (a unique social archive feature – contact us to find out more) to do this. Recruit them to help spread the word about your fundraising campaigns through their networks.

These alumni champions can significantly enhance your outreach efforts to increase the chances of reaching the right individuals.

Host targeted events

Organise events, both physically and virtually, tailored to the specific fundraising project and invite alumni you’ve identified as having a high potential for engagement.

Organise events, both physically and virtually, tailored to the specific fundraising project and invite alumni you’ve identified as having a high potential for engagement.

These events could include informational sessions, networking opportunities, special gatherings centred around the cause, or simply as an opportunity to get together.

Face-to-face interactions can strengthen relationships and make the project more tangible to potential donors, but don’t overlook the potential of virtual events. With alumni being spread across the globe relying on face-to-face events limits the volume of potential donors you could attract.

Provide various giving options

Offer different giving levels and options that cater to a range of budgets. Some alumni may prefer one-time donations, while others may be interested in recurring donations or long-term partnerships.

Flexibility in giving options increases the likelihood of attracting a wider range of donors.

Provide ongoing communication

Maintain regular communication with your alumni community, even when you’re not actively fundraising. Share updates about the project’s progress, the impact of past donations, and success stories related to alumni involvement. By fostering ongoing relationships, you increase the likelihood of continued support and engagement.

building a thriving alumni community requires a reciprocal relationship.

Remember, successful fundraising requires a thoughtful and tailored approach to connect with the best individuals within your alumni community. By understanding their interests, engaging them effectively, and providing meaningful opportunities for involvement, you can increase your chance of achieving fundraising success for your next fundraising campaign.

But most importantly, keep in mind that building a thriving alumni community requires a reciprocal relationship. Remember the statistic we shared at the beginning of this article, 100% of alumni believe their institution is just chasing money! It's crucial to provide something of value back to your alumni to change this perception. Communication should not be solely focused on fundraising.

💡 Here at SocialArchive®, we have lots of ideas to help you engage your community, build relationships, and most importantly, deliver something meaningful to your alumni. Contact us today to find out more.


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