Digital archives for schools & universities

Securely save the history of your institution, whilst making it easy to share the parts you want to with the audience you choose.

Use SocialArchive® to securely store your photos, videos, documents, and a range of other files.

Ensure content is protected and organised for you to manage, share, and for your audience to consume and enjoy.

Save historical content as well as building the archive of tomorrow by uploading content as it is created.

  • Encrypted cloud storage using UK data centres. Know your data is safe and secure at all times

  • Content in your archives and galleries is encrypted and only ever visible to those you specifically choose to share it with. Operate publicly, privately, or in a hybrid based on the material

  • SocialArchive® supports 14 different file types to build a comprehensive archive including photos, documents, videos and more

  • Invite an unlimited number of people to collaborate on your archive - this could include all your staff members for example, at no extra cost

  • Custom tagging, automated facial recognition, OCR (optical character recognition), and folder organisation all let you quickly and easily catalogue your data.

  • Search through your archives using nine different criteria in an almost infinite number of combinations to quickly and easily find what you are looking for.

  • Not only is your content only visible to those you choose to share it with, but SocialArchive also gives you the ability to watermark the display of content and prevent downloads should you wish.

  • SocialArchive isn’t built to a single prescribed standard so it can be set up to operate the way you want it to

  • Allow users to identify themselves and others in images, helping to not only add detail and depth to your archive, but to encourage interaction with your archival content.


"SocialArchive has truly surpassed our expectations. As we celebrated our 400th Anniversary, we aimed to establish a lasting legacy that both our current alumni community and future generations could cherish.

The platform's automated facial recognition feature has been a hit, allowing our community to easily find and reconnect with pictures of themselves and their friends. True to its name, SocialArchive is transforming our archive into a vibrant, social experience!" 

Are you thinking of setting up an archive for your school, university or organisation but don’t know where to start?

We’ve compiled a white paper to provide some guidance on the elements you should consider to ensure a successful project, both now and in the future.

Enter your details to access the document or contact us for more information..