Social Archive


PRIVACY NOTICE – Development, Alumni, Archives and Events

August 2024

1 Introduction- Who we are

This is an agreement between you ("You") and Bournemouth Collegiate School (the "School"). "We" and "Us" means both You and the School. The effective date of this Agreement is when You accept this Agreement in accordance with the procedure set out above.

2 Purpose of this Privacy Notice

The alumni function of the Marketing Office exists to maintain and grow a lifelong, mutually beneficial relationship between the School and its alumni, supporters, and friends.

Our alumni and supporters are extremely important to us, and this Privacy Notice explains how the Marketing Office, on behalf of the School, collects, stores, manages and protects your data. It outlines the types of data that we hold and how we use data to provide services to our alumni and supportersto enable us to keep you informed about the School and provide opportunities for you to continue to be involved in the life and activities of the School. We aim to be clear when we collect your personal information, and not do anything you would not reasonably expect.

Your data is stored securely and in accordance with the UK data protection law.  We never sell your information.

This privacy notice is supplementary to the School’s Privacy Notice which can be found here and applies specifically to information held about alumni, supporters, and friends.

3 Our responsibilities and legal basis for processing your data 

As part of our work we process and store personal information relating to students, staff, alumni, parents, past parents, current and potential supporters, and friends of the School and we therefore adhere to UK data protection Law.  

The Marketing Office, on behalf of the School, processes the information outlined in this Privacy Notice in pursuit of our legitimate interests in:

●      Communicating with and providing benefits and services to alumni, staff, parents, former parents, Governors and former Governors, and current and potential supporters;

●      Furthering the School’s educational mission, which may include fundraising and securing the support of volunteers;

We may pursue these legitimate interests by contacting you by telephone, email, post, or social media. Information about how you can manage the ways that we contact you is outlined in the ‘Your Rights’ section below.

Whilst the Marketing Office relies on legitimate interest as the legal basis for processing where this is not overridden by your interests and rights, it recognises that this is not the only lawful ground for processing data.  As such, where appropriate the Marketing Office will sometimes process your data on an alternative legal basis – for example, because you have given us consent to do so i.e. a newsletter sent out by email.

4 The data we hold

The Marketing Office, on behalf of the School, maintains a record of former students (of both the school and it’s predecessor schools), staff, and Governors of the School.  At the point of leaving, basic biographical information including names, titles, gender, date of birth, contact details (email and mailing address and phone numbers) from the School system or year book are used to create a record for you in the Alumni Database. We also create a record for any non-alumni friends who wish to receive our information.

We hold your data for an unlimited period as long as the School believes that it has a relationship with you.  We actively collect and maintain information in our archives which directly relates to the history of the schools, their alumni, teachers and governors. We hold education records in perpetuity.  Year 13 Leavers’ information is published each year and is therefore considered to be in the public domain. If we become aware that your name has changed we will update our records to reflect this.  In subsequent instances where we provide your name (e.g. a class list) we will use your current name alongside any previous names (such as your maiden name) to ensure you can be identified correctly.  

We update our records when you enquire about our services, register for events, make a donation, complete an update form or provide us with information. Our alumni and supporters will have provided the majority of information we store and process.  We may also update your record with information we may obtain from other sources, which may include:

●      Registration booking details and attendance at events

●      Dietary requirements and access requirements in respect of events you have registered to attend.  This data is held to ensure that we complete our duty of care to you

●      When you volunteer your services to us, such as mentoring or careers lecture

●      Information about your time at the School(s)

●      Information you have chosen to share via online services such as LinkedIn and Facebook and our alumni databases

●      Your occupation and professional activities; whether you wish to volunteer to share your professional expertise or become a mentor as part of our career development programme

●      Your recreations and interests

●      Records of donations and Gift Aid status, where applicable (as required by HMRC)

●      Records of communications sent to you by the Marketing Office or received from you

●      Information from the internet and publicly available sources such as extracts from media stories, social media, Companies House.

We aim to keep your data up to date and accurate and we welcome any updates to your details you may wish to provide. 

Tools may be used to help us improve the effectiveness of the School’s communications with you, including tracking whether the emails we send are opened and which links are clicked within a message.

5 How we use your data

5.1 Keeping in touch and supporting the School

We use your information to keep you informed about the School, the alumni, and to provide opportunities for you to continue to be involved in the life and activities of the alumni and School. This includes providing you with services you have requested, for administration purposes and to further our charitable and educational aims including fundraising, volunteering, event invitations, newsletters, and alumni communications.

We want to send you timely, relevant, and appropriate messages via mail, email and telephone. To do this we may segment our communications based on demographic, geographical and educational information.  For example, we may send invitations to our Bournemouth events to those with postcodes within that locale.

We may text you to confirm an event booking or advise changes to events.

Our communications and marketing activities may encompass the following:

●      Sending alumni and school publications

●      Notification of alumni and school events;

●      Notification of fundraising programmes;

●      Promotion of alumni and student mentoring and career services.

and may be sent by mail, email, telephone, text and social media.

5.2 Fundraising

We want to keep you informed about our fundraising in the most appropriate and cost-effective ways. To help us do this we may carry out analysis and segmentation of the information we hold and add publicly available information, such as information from Companies House, electoral register and print and social media.  This may include wealth screening. These processes help us to better understand your interests, preferences and the type and level of donation you may be interested in giving. This allows us to make appropriate requests to our supporters about fundraising and volunteering in the most effective ways.  

5.3 Archive

The Foundation’s archive is maintained as an historical resource and record to help inspire and equip current staff and pupils to understand and appreciate issues of identity, belonging and shared heritage; to prompt memories of school life among generations of alumni and to serve as a research resource for all interested in the history of the School.

6 Who your data is shared with

Your data is stored securely with access restricted to designated members of staff.  We will never sell your information. We will never pass information to third parties except in the following cases:

●      We may use external service providers as data processers/agents on our behalf, to help provide benefits and services. These include email services to send emails and newsletters; mailing houses to print and send out postal mail and magazines, and companies to screen names and addresses to help keep addresses up to date, provide wealth screening, demographic and publicly available information and to check data against preference services.

●      Volunteers, such as those who run our alumni or fundraising groups

●      We may need to disclose your information if required to do so by law

●      If we have obtained your permission to do so

We always make sure there are appropriate controls in place regarding how the above handle your data and to ensure they never use the data for non-School purposes.

7 Your rights

The School considers its relationship with its alumni and supporters to be lifelong, and we will hold your details until you tell us you no longer wish to hear from us. We will always try to ensure that the data we hold for you are up to date, reasonable and not excessive. You will always have the right to:

●      Be informed as to how we use your data (via this Privacy Notice);

●      Access or request a copy of the data we hold about you;

●      Update, amend or rectify the data we hold about you – email us at alumni@bcschool.co.uk

●      Change your communication preferences at any time to restrict how we process your data and communicate with you.  Email alumni@bcschool.co.uk

●      Ask us to remove your data from our records;

●      Withdraw consent, where it is used as a legal basis for processing;

●      Object to or restrict the processing of your information for any of the purposes outlined above.

However, we will retain the following details of former students; staff and Governors as part of our historical archive records:-

●      Name

●      Date of birth

●      School(s) attended

●      Dates attended school

Additionally, we will retain details of all donations, legacies and gifts made to us.

If you have a concern about the way that we are collecting or using your personal data, in the first instance, please contact us via email at dpo@catsglobalschools.com.